The International Ski Club of Geneva (hereinafter designated SCIG) is a non-profit association, incorporated under Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code; its headquarters are in Geneva. Its aims are:
i. to develop an interest in and to facilitate skiing among officials of international organizations;
ii. to promote the love of the mountains and to organize outings in the mountains in all seasons;
iii. to arrange all other related activities (competitions, recreational evenings, etc.).
The SCIG may be affiliated to the French or Swiss Ski Federation.
The SCIG is open to members or former members of international organizations, permanent delegations, the diplomatic and consular corps, and members of their families. The Executive Committee of the Club may grant membership to any other person.
Adherence to the SCIG is obtained by filling in an ad hoc form and paying the membership fee. All new members are expected to have gained knowledge of the present Statutes and to have formally accepted them.
1. Any member of the SCIG may resign. Such a resignation is to be notified in writing to the President or the Secretary, who will then inform the Committee.
2. The Committee may at any time exclude or suspend a member for violation of these Statutes or for serious misconduct.
3. Any member excluded or suspended may appeal to the General Assembly, whose decision is final and without appeal.
The SCIG is not liable for any injury, accidental or otherwise, that may be suffered by club members or their guests, nor is it liable for any injury or damage that may be caused by club members or their guests to others.
The annual membership fee is fixed by the Annual General Assembly. It is payable in one lump sum and covers the period from 1 June to the following 31 May.
1. Annual General Assembly
(a) The Annual General Assembly is held between 1 and 31 May. At least ten days before the date for which the General Assembly is called, the Executive Committee must convene all members by means of a circular including a draft agenda proposed by the Executive Committee. This draft agenda must also include all items submitted in writing by at least 15 members that reached the Executive Committee not later than 31 March.
(b) The Annual General Assembly elects a Chairman.
(c) The Annual General Assembly votes the discharge of the outgoing Executive Committee after hearing a report covering the year just elapsed and approving the budget. It then elects the Executive Committee for the following year. In case of death or resignation of a member of this Executive Committee during his or her mandate, the said Committee may proceed to his or her replacement.
(d) Nominations for candidature for election to the Executive Committee must reach the Secretary not later than 48 hours before the opening of the Annual General Assembly.
(e) Anyone interested in becoming a member of the SCIG may, with the permission of the President, attend the Annual General Assembly as an observer.
2. Extraordinary General Assembly
(a) The Executive Committee may at any time convene an Extraordinary General Assembly, on condition that all members of the SCIG receive a written convocation including the agenda, at least ten days before the date set for such an Extraordinary General Assembly.
(b) Upon written request of at least 40 members, the Executive Committee is obliged to convene an Extraordinary General Assembly.
3. Procedure
(a) Thirty members constitute the quorum. If the quorum is not reached, an extraordinary Assembly will be held immediately after the end of the ordinary General Assembly. The decisions of this second Assembly are valid, even if the quorum is not reached.
(b) Apart from the provisions made in Articles XI and XII hereafter, the General Assembly’s decisions are taken by simple majority of the members present and voting.
(a) The Executive Committee consists of a maximum of 15 people, all members of the SCIG and so chosen as to ensure the most equitable possible representation of all international organizations, and of the main activities of the SCIG. The Coordinators for each of the Alpine Skiing, Nordic Skiing and Summer Outings Sections, appointed for one year by the General Assembly, are ex officio members of the Executive Committee. The Coordinator for the Alpine Skiing Section must also be the Director of the Ski School, in the framework of the cahier des charges set up by the Executive Committee. This Coordinator must be an IGS or ISS qualified ski instructor. His (her) nomination is put forward by the Committee after consulting the Instructors, members of the SCIG. Among the members of the Committee, the President, who must be a member of the outgoing Committee, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the General Assembly for one year. In no case can one person assume more than one of these eight responsible posts at one time. All members of the Committee may be reelected, a maximum of 50% of the membership of the outgoing Committee may be replaced.
(b) The Coordinators for the Alpine Skiing, Nordic Skiing and Summer Outings Sections, appointed by the General Assembly, are responsible for the practical organization of activities in their respective field and must report to the Executive Committee on the progress of their Section.
(c) The Executive Committee is responsible for running the SCIG. In this capacity, it can take any initiative and formulate any proposal that it considers useful towards improving the activities and services of the SCIG and consolidating its financial position. It must submit an annual report to the General Assembly and keep members informed of the SCIG’s activities in the way it deems most appropriate.
(d) In case of absence, the President is replaced by the Vice-President at the Executive Committee meeting or General Assembly.
(e) Any emergency measure may be taken by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or any other member of the Executive Committee and must be subsequently endorsed by the Committee.
(f) Five members constitute the quorum of the Committee meetings.
(g) Subject to the foregoing provisions, the Committee draws up its own rules of procedure.
1. The Executive Committee is entrusted with the management of the funds of the SCIG. The SCIG’s liabilities are covered by its own assets.
2. The members of the SCIG and the members of the Executive Committee have no right to the SCIG assets.
3. No financial operation can be made without the joint signatures of the Treasurer and that of one of the following persons : the President, the Vice-President or one of the authorized members of the Committee. Nevertheless, the Executive Committee is authorized to manage a bank account reserved for the payment of the ski passes in the ski resorts with one of the following individual signatures : that of the President, that of the Treasurer, that of the Director of the downhill ski school or one of two substitutes designated by him. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping this account and must be informed immediately of every operation made concerning this account.
4. The Treasurer of the SCIG is responsible for keeping the accounts up-to-date. These accounts are submitted three times a year (31 August, 31 December and 30 April) for examination by two auditors elected by the General Assembly. They are also responsible for checking any document entailing a disbursement or receipt of funds.
5. The Treasurer must submit an annual financial report to the regular General Assembly. The financial year is established as running from 1 May to 30 April.
1. The SCIG may be dissolved by decision of an Extraordinary General Assembly upon written request of at least one-quarter of the SCIG members. In order to be valid, such a decision must be taken by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.
2. All members of the SCIG must be given at least one month’s notice of an Extraordinary General Assembly convened for the purpose of dissolving the SCIG.
3. If the Extraordinary General Assembly decides that the SCIG is to be dissolved – a decision that must be taken by the same majority as specified in Paragraph 1 above – it must take all necessary steps for the disposal of the Club’s property and liquid assets.
4. If the quorum is not reached, a second Extraordinary General Assembly is convened 30 days later. The decisions of this second Assembly are valid even if the quorum is not reached.
The present Statutes may only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting in a General Assembly. The text of the proposed amendment or amendments must be communicated to all members together with the draft agenda, as provided in Article VIII, Paragraphs 1(a) and 2(a).
Unofficial English translation of the French text of the revised Statutes. The French text was adopted by the Annual General Assembly of the International Ski Club of Geneva on 30 May 1995.